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Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Chua C and Bosworth K. 2023. “Beyond the Chokepoint: Blockades as Circulation Struggles” (an Introduction to the “On the Blockade” symposium). Antipode online first (with full print issue forthcoming in September 2023)

Chua C and Cox S. 2023. “Battling the Behemoth: Amazon and the Rise of the New US Working Class” The Socialist Register 2023.

Chua C. 2022. “Disruption from Above, the Middle, and Below: Three Terrains of Governance.” Review of International Studies. 10.1017/S0260210522000432

Chua, C. 2022. “Logistics.” chapter 79 in Beverly Skeggs, Sarah Farris, and Alberto Toscano (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Marxism, London: Sage Publications, p. 1442-1460.

Chua, C. 2022. “Docking.” chapter 10 In Steinberg, P., and Peters, K., & Davies, A. (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Ocean Space. London: Routledge

Bosworth K and Chua C. 2021. “The Counter-sovereignty of Infrastructure Security: Settler- state anxiety versus the pipeline blockadeAntipode.

Chua, C. 2021. “Lineages of Infrastructural Power: The Logistical Nightmare of Los Angeles.” In Daniel Monk and Michael Sorkin (eds.) Between Catastrophe and Revolution: Essays in Honor of Mike Davis. Terreform / Urban Research.

Chua, C. 2020. “Abolition is a Constant Struggle: Five Lessons from MinneapolisTheory and Event Vol 23, No. 4 supplement: 127-147

Chua, C. 2020. “’Sunny Island Set in the Sea’: Singapore’s Land Reclamation as Colonial Project.” In Cowen, D., Mitchell, A., Paradis, E., and Story, B. (eds.), Infrastructures of Citizenship: Digital Life in the Global City, Montréal: McGill-Queens University Press.

Chua, C. 2020. “Circulation revisited: A Forum on the Topicality of the Concept.” German Journal for Media Studies, Vol 23, Issue 2. German publication here.

Chua, C., Martin Danyluk, Deborah Cowen, and Laleh Khalili. (eds.) 2018. “Turbulent Circulation: Building a Critical Engagement with Logistics.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36, no. 4

Chua, C. 2018. “Logistical Violence, Logistical Vulnerabilities.” Historical Materialism 24, no. 4 (2018): 167-182. doi: 10.1163/1569206X-12341544

Chua, C. 2017. “Against Localization: Rethinking Compliance and Antagonism in Norm Dynamics." In Epstein, C. (ed.), Against International Relations Norms: Postcolonial Perspectives, New York: Routledge, 2016.

Chua, C. 2016. “The Container: Stacking, Packing, and Moving the World.” In Lambert, L. (ed.), The Funambulist. Issue 6: Object Politics.

Chua, C. 2016. “The Smell of Wood: Recuperating Loss in a Country of Forgetting.” In Dauphinee, E. and Inayatullah, N. (eds.), Narrative Global Politics: Theory, History and the Personal in International Relations. New York: Routledge.

Chua, C. 2014. “Coming Home Again.” Journal of Narrative Politics, September 2014, 1 (1), p. 41-43.

Public writing

Chua C. Desiree Fields and David Stein. 2023. When the Public University is the Corporate Landlord. LPE Project blog

Chua C. Jake Alimahomed Wilson, and Spencer Potiker. 2021. “Amazon’s Investments in Israel Reveal Complicity in Settlement and Military Operations.” The Nation. June 22.

Chua C. 2021. “The Ever Given and the Monstrosity of Maritime Capitalism.” The Boston Review. May 4.

Chua C. 2021. “Organizing against Amazon requires Strategizing across Global Supply Chains,” Jacobin Magazine. April 13.

Chua C. 2021. Introduction to the “Anti-Asian Violence” Forum. Society and Space Magazine

Chua C. 2020. Introduction, “Global Uprisings” forum. Society and Space Magazine

Chua C. 2019. “State, Capital, Logistics – A reading guide” Revue Période (translated to and published in French) Available online:

Chua, C. 2016. “The Container: Stacking, Packing, and Moving the World.” In Lambert, L. (ed.), The Funambulist. Issue 6 (July-August 2016): Object Politics. - Reprinted on Race Space Architecture, LSE online resource, and I-PEEL online resource

Chua, C. and Khalili, L. 2015. “Shipboard Travels: A Conversation between Charmaine Chua and Laleh Khalilli.” The Disorder of Things.

Chua, C. 2015. “The Slow Boat to China.” The Disorder of Things.

Chua, C. 2015. “The Quiet Port is Logistics’ Nightmare.” The Disorder of Things.

Chua, C. “Landlessness and the Life of Seamen.” The Disorder of Things.

Chua, C. 2015. “In Non-Places No One Can Hear You Cry.” The Disorder of Things. January 2015.

Chua, C. 2015. “The Chinese Logistical Sublime and Its Wasted Remains.” The Disorder of Things.

Chua, C. 2015. “Logistics, Capitalist Circulation, Chokepoints.” The Disorder of Things. September 2014; Translated into Chinese, Po Tu journal, November 2015.


Chua C. An “against” and a “for”: abolitionist reckonings with the state.” In Police abolition critical exchange on Geo Maher’s, A world without police: How strong communities make cops obsolete. London: Verso, 2022. Contemporary Political Theory, June 21 2023

Chua, C. 2020. Review of Natalie Oswin, Global City Futures: Desire and Development in Singapore. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2019. Antipode Book Review Symposium, 1-27, 3rd September 2020

Chua C. 2022. Introduction to book review forum for Resource Radicals: From Petro- Nationalism to Post-Extractivism in Ecuador, by Thea Riofrancos. Society and Space Magazine

Chua C. 2021. Introduction to book review forum for Our History is the Future, by Nick Estes. Society and Space Magazine

Chua C. 2021. Introduction to book review forum for Captured at Sea: Piracy and Protection in the Indian Ocean, by Jatin Dua. Society and Space Magazine

Chua, C. 2017. “Who is the ‘we’ that the supply chain brings into relation?: Questions on solidarity and disruption after the logistics revolution.” In Review Forum, Deborah Cowen (2014), The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Political Geography 61, (November 2017): 263-271.